Vicki’s Bike for Justice 2014 for Congregations
ELCA World Hunger
Dear Friends in Faith of the Eastern North Dakota Synod,
June has arrived, and it is beautiful outside. Biking season is in full-ride mode! That means I’m preparing for Bike for Justice 2014, a ride I have now made for six years to raise money for various organizations that keep moving steadily toward a world where all people are able to live in a just and dignified manner. Folks have been generously supportive and have donated more than $35,000 over the past six rides. Thank you! This year I hope you will join me in my fund raising goals for 2014.
I invite you to engage your congregation for World Hunger concerns of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I am biking July 16-17 from Fargo to Binford, ND (116 miles) where Peter and I will attend a hunger conference at Red Willow Bible Camp. We’re excited about the conference, because it will help us all be more aware of our changing world and the ways in which we—each one—can do something to alleviate hunger among God’s people.
Would you engage your congregation to give an offering of $116 (one dollar per mile that I ride) towards providing food security for hungry people? I am devoting this ride to raise $5000 in an effort to boost our synod’s giving to ELCA World Hunger. Checks can be made out to the Eastern ND Synod and earmarked “Bike for Justice 2014; mail to EaND Synod, 1201 13th Avenue N, Fargo, ND 58102.
Will you join me in supporting this cause? We can do something to change the lives of many who do not have enough food to stay alive. The United Nations reports that 18,000 children die daily from lack of food or adequate nutrition. My passion is to be part of stopping this trend and having you join me in these efforts! I look forward to the work of pedaling and ask that you prayerfully consider inviting your congregation to receive a one-time offering at worship in support of my ride and the $5,000 goal. I will carry my list of supporting congregations in my front bike bag and as I ride, I will pray for your church family. If just 50 congregations receive an offering of $116 we’d realize $5800 toward alleviating world hunger (and if the offering is larger than that, even better!). Thank you!
May the Spirit of God bring you light, hope and grace for your day,
Vicki Schmidt
P.S. This is it – an ask for a contribution toward making life more livable for many of God’s children. If you raise $116 or more for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal, we’re together making a big difference in hundreds of lives here and overseas. I’d love for you to let me know if you are “in” on this effort! An acknowledgement letter will be sent at the end of the summer when I can fully report my activities and share some photos. I am grateful for your partnership in this 2014 Bike for Justice.
ELCA World Hunger
Dear Friends in Faith of the Eastern North Dakota Synod,
June has arrived, and it is beautiful outside. Biking season is in full-ride mode! That means I’m preparing for Bike for Justice 2014, a ride I have now made for six years to raise money for various organizations that keep moving steadily toward a world where all people are able to live in a just and dignified manner. Folks have been generously supportive and have donated more than $35,000 over the past six rides. Thank you! This year I hope you will join me in my fund raising goals for 2014.
I invite you to engage your congregation for World Hunger concerns of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I am biking July 16-17 from Fargo to Binford, ND (116 miles) where Peter and I will attend a hunger conference at Red Willow Bible Camp. We’re excited about the conference, because it will help us all be more aware of our changing world and the ways in which we—each one—can do something to alleviate hunger among God’s people.
Would you engage your congregation to give an offering of $116 (one dollar per mile that I ride) towards providing food security for hungry people? I am devoting this ride to raise $5000 in an effort to boost our synod’s giving to ELCA World Hunger. Checks can be made out to the Eastern ND Synod and earmarked “Bike for Justice 2014; mail to EaND Synod, 1201 13th Avenue N, Fargo, ND 58102.
Will you join me in supporting this cause? We can do something to change the lives of many who do not have enough food to stay alive. The United Nations reports that 18,000 children die daily from lack of food or adequate nutrition. My passion is to be part of stopping this trend and having you join me in these efforts! I look forward to the work of pedaling and ask that you prayerfully consider inviting your congregation to receive a one-time offering at worship in support of my ride and the $5,000 goal. I will carry my list of supporting congregations in my front bike bag and as I ride, I will pray for your church family. If just 50 congregations receive an offering of $116 we’d realize $5800 toward alleviating world hunger (and if the offering is larger than that, even better!). Thank you!
May the Spirit of God bring you light, hope and grace for your day,
Vicki Schmidt
P.S. This is it – an ask for a contribution toward making life more livable for many of God’s children. If you raise $116 or more for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal, we’re together making a big difference in hundreds of lives here and overseas. I’d love for you to let me know if you are “in” on this effort! An acknowledgement letter will be sent at the end of the summer when I can fully report my activities and share some photos. I am grateful for your partnership in this 2014 Bike for Justice.